

Go to the documentation of this file.
00060 #include <iostream>
00061 #include <sstream>
00062 #include <string>
00063 #include <stdio.h>
00065 #include "ezlogger_misc.hpp"
00067 namespace axter
00068 {
00077         struct levels : public ext_data
00078         {
00079                 levels(verbosity verbosity_level, severity severity_level, 
00080                         const char* pretty_function = NULL, const char* facility = NULL, 
00081                         const char* tag = NULL, int code = 0)
00082                         :ext_data(severity_level, pretty_function, facility, tag, code), 
00083                         m_verbosity_level(verbosity_level){}
00084                 verbosity m_verbosity_level;
00085         };
00087         template<class EZLOGGER_OUTPUT_POLICY = ezlogger_output_policy, 
00088                         class EZLOGGER_FORMAT_POLICY = ezlogger_format_policy,
00089                         class EZLOGGER_VERBOSITY_LEVEL_POLICY = ezlogger_verbosity_level_policy>
00091         {
00092         public:
00093                 inline ezlogger(const char*filename, int lineno, const char*functionname, 
00094                         verbosity verbosity_level = log_default_verbosity_level, 
00095                         bool isstreamoutput = false, std::ostream* alternate_output = NULL)
00096                         :m_src_file_name(filename), m_src_line_num(lineno), 
00097                         m_src_function_name(functionname), m_verbosity_level(verbosity_level),
00098                         m_levels_format_usage(no_severity), m_alternate_output(alternate_output)
00099                 {
00100                         common_constructor_imp(isstreamoutput);
00101                 }
00103                 inline ezlogger(const char*filename, int lineno, const char*functionname, 
00104                         levels levels_data, bool isstreamoutput = false, std::ostream* alternate_output = NULL)
00105                         :m_src_file_name(filename), m_src_line_num(lineno), 
00106                         m_src_function_name(functionname), m_verbosity_level(levels_data.m_verbosity_level),
00107                         m_levels_format_usage(levels_data), m_alternate_output(alternate_output)
00108                 {
00109                         common_constructor_imp(isstreamoutput);
00110                 }
00112                 template<typename T> inline ezlogger& operator<<(T& Data) {
00113                         if (m_verbosity_level <= get_verbosity_level_tolerance()) 
00114                         {
00115                                 if (m_alternate_output)
00116                                         (*m_alternate_output) << Data;
00117                                 else
00118                                         get_log_stream() << Data;
00119                         }
00120                         return *this;
00121                 }
00122                 inline ezlogger& operator<<(std::ostream& (*func)(std::ostream&))
00123                 {
00124                         if (m_verbosity_level <= get_verbosity_level_tolerance())
00125                         {
00126                                 if (m_alternate_output)
00127                                         (*m_alternate_output) << func;
00128                                 else
00129                                         get_log_stream() << func;
00130                         }
00131                         return *this;
00132                 }
00134                 template<class T> void operator()(const T&Data) const{
00135                         if (m_verbosity_level <= get_verbosity_level_tolerance()) 
00136                                 log_out(m_src_file_name, m_src_line_num, m_src_function_name, m_levels_format_usage, true, Data);
00137                 }
00138                 template<class T1, class T2>
00139                         void operator()(const T1 &Data1, const T2 &Data2) const{
00140                         if (m_verbosity_level <= get_verbosity_level_tolerance()) 
00141                                 log_out(m_src_file_name, m_src_line_num, m_src_function_name, m_levels_format_usage, true, Data1, Data2);
00142                 }
00143                 template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
00144                         void operator()(const T1 &Data1, const T2 &Data2, const T3 &Data3) const{
00145                         if (m_verbosity_level <= get_verbosity_level_tolerance()) 
00146                                 log_out(m_src_file_name, m_src_line_num, m_src_function_name, m_levels_format_usage, true, Data1, Data2, Data3);
00147                 }
00149                 void cprint(const char * format, ...)
00150                 {
00151                         if (m_verbosity_level <= get_verbosity_level_tolerance()) 
00152                         {
00153                                 char Data[4096];
00154                                 va_list v;
00155                                 va_start(v,format);
00156                                 _vsnprintf(Data, sizeof(Data), format,v);
00157                                 va_end(v);
00158                                 log_out(m_src_file_name, m_src_line_num, m_src_function_name, m_levels_format_usage, true, Data);
00159                         }
00160                 }
00162                 template<class T1>
00163                 void prg_main_arg(int argc, T1 argv)
00164                 {
00165                         if (m_verbosity_level <= get_verbosity_level_tolerance()) 
00166                         {
00167                                 std::string Data = "main() arg(s) {";
00168                                 for (int i = 0;i < argc;++i) {Data += " arg#" + to_str(i) + " = '" + to_str(argv[i]) + "' ";}
00169                                 Data += "}";
00170                                 std::string PrgCallSig = "   Program Call Signature --->>   " + to_str(argv[0]);
00171                                 for (int ii = 1;ii < argc;++ii) {PrgCallSig += " \"" + to_str(argv[ii]) + "\"";}
00173                                 log_out(m_src_file_name, m_src_line_num, m_src_function_name, m_levels_format_usage, true, Data + PrgCallSig);
00174                         }
00175                 }
00176                 void display_stack()
00177                 {
00178                         if (m_verbosity_level <= get_verbosity_level_tolerance()) 
00179                         {
00180                                 display_stack_main(m_src_line_num);
00181                         }
00182                 }
00183                 bool log_if_fails_verification(bool eval, const char* evaluation)
00184                 {
00185                         if (!eval && m_verbosity_level <= get_verbosity_level_tolerance())
00186                                 get_log_stream() << get_log_prefix_format(m_src_file_name, m_src_line_num, m_src_function_name, m_levels_format_usage) << 
00187                                         "Failed verification:  '" << evaluation << "'" << std::endl;
00188                         return eval;
00189                 }
00192                 static const std::string to_str(const wchar_t *Data)
00193                 {
00194                         if (!Data) return std::string("Error: Bad pointer");
00195                         const int SizeDest = (int)wcslen(Data);
00196                         char *AnsiStr = new char[SizeDest+1];
00197                         wcstombs(AnsiStr, Data, SizeDest);
00198                         AnsiStr[SizeDest] = 0;
00199                         std::stringstream ss;
00200                         ss << AnsiStr;
00201                         delete [] AnsiStr;
00202                         return ss.str();
00203                 }
00204                 static const std::string to_str(wchar_t *Data)
00205                 {
00206                         if (!Data) return std::string("Error: Bad pointer");
00207                         const int SizeDest = (int)wcslen(Data);
00208                         char *AnsiStr = new char[SizeDest+1];
00209                         wcstombs(AnsiStr, Data, SizeDest);
00210                         AnsiStr[SizeDest] = 0;
00211                         std::stringstream ss;
00212                         ss << AnsiStr;
00213                         delete [] AnsiStr;
00214                         return ss.str();
00215                 }
00216                 static const std::string to_str(const std::wstring &Data){return to_str(Data.c_str());}
00217                 template<class T>
00218                         static const std::string to_str(const T &Data)
00219                 {
00220                         std::stringstream ss;
00221                         ss << Data;
00222                         return ss.str();
00223                 }
00224                 static const std::string to_str(){return std::string();}
00225         protected:
00226                 const char* m_src_file_name;
00227                 int m_src_line_num;
00228                 const char* m_src_function_name;
00229                 verbosity m_verbosity_level;
00230                 ext_data m_levels_format_usage;
00231                 std::ostream*   m_alternate_output;
00232                 inline void common_constructor_imp(bool isstreamoutput)
00233                 {
00234                         if (isstreamoutput && m_verbosity_level <= get_verbosity_level_tolerance()) 
00235                         {
00236                                 if (m_alternate_output) 
00237                                         (*m_alternate_output) << get_log_prefix_format(m_src_file_name, m_src_line_num, m_src_function_name, m_levels_format_usage);
00238                                 else
00239                                         get_log_stream() << get_log_prefix_format(m_src_file_name, m_src_line_num, m_src_function_name, m_levels_format_usage);
00240                         }
00241                 }
00243                 template<class T>
00244                         static void log_out(const char*FileName, int LineNo, const char*FunctionName, 
00245                         ext_data levels_format_usage_data, bool endline, const T &Data)
00246                 {
00247                         get_log_stream() << get_log_prefix_format(FileName, LineNo, FunctionName, levels_format_usage_data) << to_str(Data);
00248                         if (endline) get_log_stream() << std::endl;
00249                 }
00250                 template<class T1, class T2>
00251                 static void log_out(const char*FileName, int LineNo, const char*FunctionName, 
00252                 ext_data levels_format_usage_data, bool endline, const T1 &Data1, const T2 &Data2)
00253                 {
00254                         get_log_stream() << get_log_prefix_format(FileName, LineNo, FunctionName, levels_format_usage_data) << to_str(Data1) << ", "  << to_str(Data2);
00255                         if (endline) get_log_stream() << std::endl;
00256                 }
00257                 template<class T1, class T2, class T3>
00258                         static void log_out(const char*FileName, int LineNo, const char*FunctionName, 
00259                         ext_data levels_format_usage_data, bool endline, const T1 &Data1, const T2 &Data2, const T3 &Data3)
00260                 {
00261                         get_log_stream() << get_log_prefix_format(FileName, LineNo, FunctionName, levels_format_usage_data) << to_str(Data1) << ", "  << to_str(Data2) << ", "  << to_str(Data3);
00262                         if (endline) get_log_stream() << std::endl;
00263                 }
00264         };
00266         class ezfunction_tracker : public ezlogger<>
00267         {
00268         public:
00269                 inline ezfunction_tracker(const char*filename, int lineno, const char*functionname, 
00270                         verbosity verbosity_level = log_default_verbosity_level, 
00271                         bool isstreamoutput = false, std::ostream* alternate_output = NULL)
00272                         :ezlogger<>(filename, lineno, functionname, verbosity_level, isstreamoutput, alternate_output)
00273                 {
00274                         operator()("Entering function ", m_src_function_name);
00275                         add_to_stack(m_src_function_name);
00276                 }
00277                 inline ~ezfunction_tracker()
00278                 {
00279                         operator()("Exiting function ", m_src_function_name);
00280                         pop_stack();
00281                 }
00282         private:
00283                 ezfunction_tracker(const ezfunction_tracker&);
00284                 ezfunction_tracker& operator=(const ezfunction_tracker&);
00285         };
00286 }

Generated on Wed Mar 29 00:31:08 2006 for EzLogger by  doxygen 1.4.6.Axter [Axter-Extended-Version]